Monday, May 16, 2005

Hunger bites

Hunger returns to Zimbabwe (did it leave?)

The maize harvest has been the worst in memory, according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, which says that only a third of the 1,8-million tons consumed a year has been grown this year. There are also concerns about the slow planting of winter wheat.

Over the past few weeks, maize shortages have been accompanied by widespread shortages of other staple foods and commodities, largely due to the spin-off effect of the government’s price controls. Many of these are now available only on the black market at three times the price. The government has reacted by threatening to jail manufacturers and retailers not observing the price controls.

The black market for foreign exchange, which had receded in the past few months, is booming again with the parallel rate at a record high of more than Z$20000 to one US dollar while the official auction rate straddles Z$6000 to the dollar.....

As usual, our foreign minister’s response has been to accuse those criticising the situation in Zimbabwe of racism.

But don't worry, help is on the way....not...

The light at the end of the tunnel may be the visit of United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to Zimbabwe at the end of the month in a bid to address the political and economic

Presumably if they don't go along with the proposals of Kofi Annan, they will be sent a letter saying he is werry werry angwy...(like Hans threatened to send in Team America)...

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