Tuesday, April 25, 2006

World bank and Malaria drug

The World Bank has been accused of publishing false accounts and wasting money on ineffective medicines in its malaria treatment programme.

A Lancet paper claims the bank faked figures, boosting the success of its malaria projects, and reneged on a pledge to invest $300-500m in Africa.

It also claims the bank funded obsolete treatments - against expert advice.

The bank has denied the allegations and says it is investing $500m to $1bn (£280m-£560m) over the next five years.

But it also admits it is not easy, and sometimes "not even possible", to know exactly how much input from each donor goes into a specific activity.

Malaria drug is not widely used in poor countries LINK
Part of the problem is lack of a medical infrastructure...another part is lack of money for this more expensive treatement.

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