Photo from Sokanele website prior to her arrest and imprisonment

Monitoring government atocities in Zimbabwe since 2005
Mrs Mugabe has built a new residence on the farm, remodelled the original farmhouse and constructed an office block, workers said. The dairy produces 6,500 litres of milk a day, The Herald has said, which is only about 35 per cent of its output under the previous owner, who produced 6.5 million litres a year, more than any other dairy in Zimbabwe.
How does Nestle get around the sanctions? They buy it on the open market, they don't have a contract with her...The company's code of conduct, according to its website, states: "We condemn any form of bribery and corruption." It also says that Nestlé "supports and respects the protection of international human rights", and adds that its suppliers should also adhere to its code.
Asked to explain its dealings with Mrs Mugabe in that context, it said: "Nestlé does not provide any support, financial or otherwise, to the Gushungo Dairy Estate or to any political party in Zimbabwe.
Allegations of racism against Neill Blomkamp's movie have been flying since its release, but this new move from the Nigerian government raises the stakes significantly. Information Minister Dora Akunyili explained her problems with the movie:
We feel very bad about this because the film clearly denigrated Nigeria's image by portraying us as if we are cannibals, we are criminals... The name [of] our former president was clearly spelt out as the head of the criminal gang and our ladies shown like prostitutes sleeping with extra-terrestrial beings...The xenophobic attacks on foreigners, including Zimbabweans, that left 3 dead in Alexandra township last week have now claimed over 20 lives after the gangs moved into other areas of Johannesburg over the weekend.
The violence has continued to escalate and more fatal attacks were reported Monday. In the last 3 days hundreds have been injured, thousands left homeless and many raped as the attacks on foreigners spread to the whole of the Johannesburg area, including Germiston, Alexandra, Hillbrow, Ekurhuleni in Boksburg, Thembisa, Thokoza and the Eastrand area...
Zimbabwean organizations based in South Africa have blamed President Mbeki and the South African government for doing nothing, for too long. South Africa's own civil organizations have also pointed to the official policy as contributing to the divisions.
The Zimbabwe Exiles Forum released a statement that said: "There is a pattern to this, and senior government officials who suggest that foreigners are to blame for unemployment, crime and HIV-AIDS do not help the situation, and should be brought to account for their incitement to hatred. Equally responsible are sections of the media that are known to government, and have been writing inflammatory first page editorials against so-called 'aliens'.".....
ZANU PF militia have begun a fresh wave of violence, especially in the rural areas, according to a statement issued by the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition...
Those being targeted include members of civil society and MDC supporters. ...
The notorious militia, soldiers and ZANU PF members are said to be behind this latest victimisation campaign.
The pressure group said reports from Chiweshe’s Chaona area named ZANU PF supporters who are terrorising MDC activists, and telling villagers that the coalition government is ‘only functional in Harare’, not in the rural areas, and demanding that MDC supporters surrender their membership cards....
Scores of activists from the pressure group Women and Men of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA/MOZA) were brutally assaulted by riot police, during demonstrations to commemorate the United Nations International Day of Peace in Bulawayo on Tuesday. One of the WOZA leaders, Magodonga Mahlangu, said their theme was that social justice brings peace of mind and they were trying to highlight what they see as ‘empty promises’ by the inclusive government. She said the police were vicious in their response....
Speaking to SW Radio Africa Mahlangu said over 20 of their members had to seek medical treatment after the police beatings.
There has been some excellent writing and drama from South Africa over the years, and much of it is serious stuff.
One thinks perhaps of Athol Fugard and J.M. Coetzee. Even the titles — Sizwe Bansi is Dead and Disgrace — convey a certain gravitas, at the very least.
So, a science fiction movie set in Johannesburg comes, to many outside South Africa at least, as something of a surprise.
For those who haven’t seen it, South African-born director Neill Blomkamp’s District 9 is the story of how a mysterious space craft appears over Johannesburg.
It turns out to contain starving aliens, referred to scathingly as “prawns”, who are brought down to the city and housed in an enormous and chaotic shanty ghetto...
It’s also pretty funny as it satirises just about everybody — the bureaucrats given the task of evicting the prawns from District 9, the soldiers who have to be restrained from shooting them, the Nigerian bandits who exploit them ruthlessly and the unfortunate prawns themselves, who are addicted to cat food.
But of course it’s not all sci-fi fun. This being South Africa, audiences are also asked to consider more ponderous questions that relate to the country’s racial history and also how to deal with “aliens” who suddenly appear on the doorstep after being afflicted by some crisis at home — something the South African government has had to contend with in recent years as Zimbabwe has imploded, forcing millions across the border....
"I am not going to stand by while Zanu-PF continues to violate the law, persecutes our members of parliament, spreads the language of hate, invades our productive farms, ignores our international treaties," he said.
"We want partners that are sincere. We want partners who are going to commit themselves to good governance principles. We cannot have partners of looters."
Improving conditions
Tsvangirai joined Mugabe in a unity government in February in a bid to end political unrest that erupted after last year's disputed elections and things have improved in the past few months.
Al Jazeera's Haru Mutasa, reporting from the capital, Harare, said "compared to December last year, when things were really bad in the country ... there's now food in the shops - it's expensive, but at least people can afford it"....
South African President Jacob Zuma has asked Zimbabwe's political parties to remove any obstacles to implementing their political agreement.
He was speaking at a two-day meeting of Sadc, the southern African regional organisation, in DR Congo....
Our correspondent says the MDC is concerned about the pace of political reform, alleged human rights abuses and appointments of key positions in the legal system and central bank.
She also says Mr Mugabe wants Sadc to campaign for the lifting of economic sanctions against Zimbabwe....
The manner in which South African society treats these newcomers – in this movie, yes, but something also echoed in horrific xenophobic riots in May 2008 that killed more than 100 – shows that the much vaunted “Rainbow Nation” is still very much an ideal.
... 15 years after apartheid. The black majority may now have power, and the white technocrat minority seems to have found a place for itself, but both groups have teamed up to wield their power against a new enemy: immigrants.
The plot of District 9 follows a rather nerdy bureaucrat named Wikus Van der Merwe, who has been given the task of going door to door with armed guards in a slum called District 9, where the extraterrestrial prawns are scratching out an existence that Charles Dickens couldn’t have imagined. Wikus – who is followed by a camera crew, in faux documentary style – remains the quintessential South African law-enforcement agent, determined that every alien he meets must sign a paper agreeing to move out of their shacks to another encampment far off.
It is in these scenes – and in Wikus’s contacts with the violent Nigerian gangs that control the markets in District 9 – that District 9 rises above a simple shoot-em-up into social commentary.
When Wikus shows off his professional bureaucratic finesse in front of the camera, asking an alien to sign a document – with his tentacle-like hand – he’s showing that South Africa is a civilized country with rules. But when Wikus chatters, between raids, about the filthy habits of the aliens and their strange appetites for cat food, we see the racism that South Africans – black and white alike – have for Africans from other countries....
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