Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Mugabe's slight of hand

Amnesty International via the Huffington Post:

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights recently reported that President Mugabe did not sign the Global Political Agreement (GPA). Well, he signed half of it.

Parliement passed a 36 page document, and Mugabe signed an 18 page document, essentially meaning that it's not legal.

ZANU-PF's withdrawal from the SADC Tribunal and the failure to sign all pages of the GPA are essentially contract disputes and there is no applicable court to turn where a judge can decide which terms apply and should be enforced. Instead, the judge is SADC, who must remove the blinders of reverence towards a one time freedom fighter and see him as the leader of a party of freedom oppressors. SADC announced today it will convene an extraordinary summit in three weeks to address the outstanding issues surrounding the GPA and it must force a resolution on both these concerns.

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