Friday, June 19, 2009

Zim accused of continuing rights abuse

from the LATimes:

Reporting from Johannesburg, South Africa -- Amnesty International reported Thursday that serious human rights abuses continue in Zimbabwe and criticized members of President Robert Mugabe's ruling party, saying they regard violence as a useful political tool.... "Ending attacks on human rights defenders, lifting restrictions on the media and allowing public protests do not require more money. They only require political will," she said in a statement. "Progress on human rights has been woefully slow."

Amnesty International's report underscores Western concerns about the continuing power of spoilers in Mugabe's party.

"Persistent and serious human rights violations, combined with a failure to introduce reform of the police, army and security forces or address impunity and the lack of clear commitment on some parts of the government are real obstacles that need to be confronted by the leadership of Zimbabwe," Khan said.

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