Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tsvangirai embarks on mission to explain talks

From swradioAfrica:

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai is in the United States on the first leg of a two-nation tour of North America to appraise party supporters and pro-democracy groups on the progress made so far at the SADC led mediation talks.

Rocked by a backlash from its supporters and its partners from the civil society for supporting constitutional amendment bill number 18, the MDC leadership has been jolted into action to explain why it voted with Zanu-PF in Parliament a month ago.....

As a follow-up, the party dispatched its entire cabinet last week to meet with Mbeki’s mediation team and explain the need to either open up the talks, or alternatively give regular media briefings.

Hebson Makuvise, the MDC chief representative in the UK told Newsreel on Monday that Tsvangirai had several engagements in the United States and would fly to Canada for further consultations with both party activists and pro-democracy groups.

‘It is very important for the party to remain steadfast and focussed on the important job that lies ahead. ...

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