Sunday, July 03, 2005

UN debate


The United States and European nations raised Zimbabwe's housing demolitions in the Security Council for the first time today, using a debate on extreme hunger in southern Africa as an means of getting the issue on the agenda.

But diplomats said most council members were resisting discussion, saying the Zimbabwe crisis is internal and not an international peace and security issue. And African leaders have rejected Western condemnation of the forced eviction of slum dwellers from urban areas....

But Tuvako Nathaniel Manogi, Tanzania's deputy UN ambassador, said too many people were shedding "crocodile years" as he had watched repeated pleas for food assistance go unheeded in his country, which is flooded with refugees. Worldwide food aid was also declining to the poorest of the poor nations even though the number of hungry people was increasing. "The archives of this organization are full of good intentions. We are all better at talking than acting," he said.

There are major food shortages in Refugees from various wars in Dafur, Congo, Uganda, etc...
But in Zimbabwe, the food shortages are partly due to the drought...but exacerbated deliberately for political reasons.

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