Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Finally, the NYTimes notices problems too


Mr. Mugabe, a tyrant, is increasingly out of touch with reality in the style of Stalin and Mao. He is starving and killing his own people, and the unwillingness of some of Africa's most prestigious leaders, like Presidents Thabo Mbeki of South Africa and Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania, to challenge him publicly is especially disturbing at a time when these same leaders prate on about a commitment to accountable governments and peer review of one another. Mrs. Tibaijuka's unflinching honesty shames their silence.

Finally, they noticed...about the only editorial writer worrying about Africans dying due to wicked governments is Mr. Kristoff...who REALLY minces no words about it, although he is discussing Dafur in this article: LINK

Some of us in the news media have been hounding President Bush for his shameful passivity in the face of genocide in Darfur.

More than two years have passed since the beginning of what Mr. Bush acknowledges is the first genocide of the 21st century, yet Mr. Bush barely manages to get the word "Darfur" out of his mouth. Still, it seems hypocritical of me to rage about Mr. Bush's negligence, when my own beloved institution - the American media - has been at least as passive as Mr. Bush....

Again, the blocking of UN intervention in Dafur is...China and the arab states...

HMMM...anyone notice a pattern Here?

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