Wednesday, November 12, 2008

UN agency struggles for donations

from the CBC (Canada)

The UN's World Food Programme warns that it will have to cut food rations for hungry people in Zimbabwe this month in order to make its stretched resources go further.

The relief agency reports that it will have to feed four million people in November, compared with the two million people who received rations in October, the first month it was operating on a large scale in the country during the current crisis.

Because of the cuts, each person will now receive a cereal ration of 10 kilograms per month, down from 12 kilograms, and one kilogram of pulses (a porridge made of peas or beans) per month, down from 1.8 kilograms.

Emilia Casella, a spokeswoman for the World Food Programme, says the situation will only get worse, because the agency has not received any funding commitments to cover relief for the country past December.

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