Wednesday, March 26, 2025

MPox in Africa


, presently, there are 20,000 suspected Clade I/Clade II mpox cases, including 5,000 confirmed cases and 194 deaths, which have been reported across 15 African countries. The Democratic Republic of Congo accounts for most confirmed and suspected cases. The outbreak has been most severe in children under 15 years old due to low immunity and malnutrition, with mortality rates reaching up to 10% in this group.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

China' causing problems via Nigeria

 From StrategyPage:

March 24, 2025: The government is going after Chinese citizens who continue to use Nigeria as a base for economic crimes throughout Africa. The Chinese ambassador in Nigeria assured the locals that China was cooperating in identifying and prosecuting Chinese citizens based in Nigeria and committing crimes. China is Nigeria’s largest trading partner and that large volume of trade is what brought Chinese gangsters and independent criminal entrepreneurs to Nigeria. China is currently owed over $5 billion by various Nigerian businesses and individuals. Nigeria is the major African exporter of oil and Chine is one of the top ten buyers.

the rest of the article discusses tribal and religious feuds, and the problem of corruption...

pepfar today

two years ago Biden started diverting funding to sex education

CFAM Report:Feb 2023:

“We are concerned that grants from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) are used by nongovernmental organizations that promote abortions and push a radical gender ideology abroad. We urge you to ensure that any reauthorization of PEPFAR ensures that taxpayer money is not used for such purposes,” the pro-life groups said.
...The pro-life letter points out how many major PEPFAR grant recipients, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation, “publicly support abortion as a method of family planning” and recently complained about the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade as well as U.S. State laws against transgender bathroom and sports policies.
The letter also points out that the Biden administration has directed all federal agencies “to promote abortion and gender ideology abroad.” ...
The (Mexican city policy that forbad funding abortion) was revoked in the first week of the Biden administration.
For the last ten years, PEPFAR has been mostly focused on providing anti-retroviral drugs in poor countries, which accounts for its exorbitant expense. The drugs have made HIV/AIDS a manageable illness in industrialized countries, but their costliness combined with lack of health infrastructure in poor countries continues to make HIV/AIDS a deadly disease in poor countries in Africa and East Asia.
A report of the Heritage Foundation...argues that the program is bloated and mismanaged, and it questions the effectiveness of funding anti-retroviral drugs instead of more funding for health infrastructure to combat other deadly diseases that aren’t related to risky sexual behavior and that claim many more lives in poor countries.
The Heritage report also sheds light on how Democrats are making PEPFAR into the vehicle of “social priorities like abortion and promotion of LGBTI issues.”

Monday, March 24, 2025

sleeping sickness in Zambesi area

 CDC report.

T.b. rhodesiense is endemic in 13 countries.† Since 2011, reported rhodesiense HAT cases have been steadily declining, with only 24 cases reported in 2023...
Between this patient’s presentation in August 2024 and January 2025 three additional cases of rhodesiense HAT were reported to WHO in persons from nonendemic countries who were bitten by a tsetse fly while traveling in the Zambezi Valley.
The Zambezi Valley spans northern Zimbabwe and southern Zambia, where epidemiologic conditions are similar, and the parasite is endemic. These four cases are the first Zambezi Valley–associated cases reported since 2019, although Zambia has experienced human cases in other areas during this period....

BMC 2021 

In the 1980s and 1990s, great strides were taken towards the elimination of tsetse and animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT) in Zimbabwe. However, advances in recent years have been limited. Previously freed areas have been at risk of reinvasion, and the disease in tsetse-infested areas remains a constraint to food security. article
The patterns of tsetse and AAT distributions in Zimbabwe are shaped by a combination of bioclimatic factors, historical events such as the rinderpest epizootic at the turn of the twentieth century

the rinderpest killed a lot of the wild animals so the flies had nothing to bite; the white settlers kept the wild population down by hunting, and when I lived in Zimbabwe,  there was a fenced off zone to keep animals and flies from migrating south from the Zambesi area, and extensive spraying to control flies was done. PDF.

and extensive and sustained tsetse control that is aimed at progressively eliminating tsetse and trypanosomiasis from the entire country. 
The comprehensive dataset assembled in the atlas will improve the spatial targeting of surveillance and control activities. It will also represent a valuable tool for research, by enabling large-scale geo-spatial analyses....

The tsetse-infested area in Zimbabwe is currently estimated at 30,000 km2, which corresponds to 17% of the 180,000 km2 ecologically suitable area originally infested by tsetse [10]. In particular, tsetse distribution in Zimbabwe has always been restricted to the north, northwest, northeast and southeast of the country with the central highveld being ecologically unsuitable for the fly.

fake cows that smell like cows and attract the flies are one means of control....2001 article BMJ...

the cows were introduced into Zimbabwe in the mid-1980s, when thousands of cattle were infected with nagana, a disease equivalent to sleeping sickness in cattle. Cases of nagana in the country plummeted to almost zero and have remained at this low level for the past five years. A total of 60000 cows are now in use in Zimbabwe...

TED talk about genetically altering cattle to stop the disease

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Moral colonialism


Rwanda Congo Uganda conflict: money, minerals, and/or human rights?

 I am not sure of what is going on... the western press seems to oppose the rebels, but a local human rights group says the rebels are the good guys.

Here are a few videos:


this one is from an India site; a summary and telling the Congolese point of view:

Monday, February 17, 2025

heart of darkness part two and three

 History lesson of the week:



the phrase Heart of Darkness comes from Conrad's book: which is partly based on his own experiences.

the book can be downloaded from Project Gutenberg.

Few westerners were aware of this, until the book King Leopold's Ghost was published in 1998.

I am reading it on Everand which is a subscription book service, and their sistersite Scribd also has it... or you can download a pdf,  from LINK, and I also found the audiobook in chapters  on you tube LINK

Monday, January 20, 2025

Free hit counters
Free hit counters