Wednesday, November 13, 2024

the unforgotten repeated wars of Sudan

 The headlines shout all about Gaza Genocide, but the deaths and refugees there are small next to other wars around the world. (Syria, Chcchnya,  Rohingye from Burma to name a few).

The worst genocide is in Sudan.

of course the expert wants the US to go in and voila make peace there. But why? It is Europe who messed the area up, and before that it was the Ottoman Empire and Muslim extremists who messed up the area.

 Sounds like the Europeans want TeamAmerica World police to fix it, so they can then criticize the USA and their policies. But the election of Trump suggests that the US is tired of being the world policeman while an affluent Europe sits back and ridicules the USA. 

And with Trumpieboy as president, they are chomping at the bits to find why he is the great Satan. (just like they did when Reagan was President)...

there is a Russian aspect of this: the Wagner Group is working with the rebels.

it's about gold....

this is a recent report on the Wagner group in the central African republic.:

Russia used to offer oodles of scholarships to Africans during the cold war: Often the degrees were useless and mainly learning propaganda.

Actually if the want Africans to succeed, they should teach them Chinese, since China is running the economy in many African countries. But that is another story for another day.

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