Friday, August 16, 2024

Zimbabwe vs pro democracy activists

 Global voices has a long report 

 Pro-democracy activists in Zimbabwe are being prosecuted for ‘public disorder’ Detained activists said they were tortured and threatened with rape Go to link (copyrighted article).

Yahoo News report here:

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe police have arrested 18 political activists and hauled some of them off a plane, their lawyers said Thursday, in the latest clampdown by the government after warning it would crush opposition protests ahead of its hosting of a meeting of the southern African heads of state this month. The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights group said it was representing the activists, who were detained on Wednesday. Among the activists arrested is Namatai Kwekweza, a 25-year-old pro-democracy campaigner and the inaugural winner of the Kofi Annan NextGen Democracy Prize in 2023. The prize is awarded by the late United Nations secretary-general’s foundation to young people committed to the principles of democracy.

and follow the money: 

Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe's first lady and others were sanctioned by the United States earlier this year for alleged involvement in gold and diamond smuggling and human rights abuses.

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