Monday, July 01, 2024

South African Elections

 I hadn't been following the elections in South Africa, since essentially the president was reelected in early June

But the backstory is that the ANC lost it's majority so must join with other parties to form a government.

NPR report:

Tessa Dooms, a director at Rivonia Circle, a think tank in South Africa, said it was a historic result that diminished the ANC’s three decades hold on power. “The election in South Africa is an important watershed moment that fundamentally changes politics,” she said...The ANC will now have to form a coalition government with one or more opposition parties for the first time, to remain in power...

however, will the coalition stand?


Global Voices also has a long analysis from the local blogopshere and quotes a left wing politician as saying the ANC has now partnered with with the DA to form a government, who they claim is the same as joining with white money interests.

observation from Africafeeds:

The radical left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and populist uMkhonto we Sizwe refused to participate in a government that included the DA. “History will judge you and judge you harshly,” Malema said. “This is not a government of national unity. This is a grand coalition between the ANC and white monopoly capital.”

Global voices has more discussion of the pact including social media commentary at the link.

this is not right vs left, but about the corruption in the ANC, and the economic problems making the income disparity there worse.

By the way: China is SA's major trade parner, so how does this affect the economy?
Here, cheap Chinese imports have destroyed local industries, and people resent the Chinese for not hiring locals. So economically the talk of worrying about white money is more complicated: Will this lead to more investment in the South African economy (and maybe lead to SA businesses being able to fight off Chinese competition)? 

I have no idea.

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