Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Nigerian massacres

GetReligionblog discusses the many sources of the killing of mainly Christian peoples: by the Islamic militants and the tribal conflicts between the Muslim cattle herders and the Christian farmers.

Of course, both these terrorist groups kill fellow Muslims, but not so much.

The press coverage is spotty of course.


But of course they left out the terror by southern "terrorists" who mainly are Christian and object to the oil wealth being siphoned off.

And I'm old enough to remember when the mainly Christian Biafiran tribe sought to seceed and were literally destroyed by the government forces (estimated 2 million killed by famine) (rumor: with the help of the western companies that wanted their oil wealth). This is worse than it seemed since the tribe was also highly educated. Ironically, the best coverage of this was by the Irish, since many local missionaries were from that country.

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