Monday, April 25, 2011

Article on African development

much of the news out of Zimbabwe is same old stuff: He is letting his folks kill the political opposition while stoking paranoia of the west to stay in power.

But his marxist rhetoric is absurd: Pleasing to the aging left in europe and the US but in these days when China is buying up Africa turning into nonsens.e

So I am posting another article on development in Africa:

Entrepreneurs epitomize this growing trend of seizing the opportunities that the continent presents. Tal Dehtiar from Oliberté Shoes – a shoe manufacturing company with operations in Ethiopia and Liberia- is one of them. He writes in a blog entitled “Oliberté, This is Africa“ the reason for investing on the continent:

we never have and still don't see an Africa that's categorised by negative generalizations. Oliberté believes that with the right partners, each country within Africa has the means to grow and support its people.

Many African entrepreneurs believe that although the triple bottom line -financial, social, environmental- is the new buzz word for companies investing in developing countries, one fact that need to be made clear is that Africa will not able to sustain the growth if the funding are only about “micro-finance”, and financing a woman with “50 US dollars”.

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